
We are best-in-class web development agency that stands out among thousands of competitors

We Offer
fully-optimized solutions

Qualified Web Resources

User-centric Solutions

State-of-the-art Facility

Proven Track Record

Standardized Approach

Authorized Credentials

Completely customizable high-quality robust websites

It's not just a website, we create a seamless user experience that keeps them coming back. We are recognized among leading custom web development companies. Our web development services include









Privet is a premier website development company. We’re in the business of awesome web development because we only rely on premier, modern and most worthy technologies to build web projects. Focusing on process-driven development, each of us at Privet aims at providing impressive website development services, quick product-to-market delivery so that users (client’s customers) don’t look any further as they can find everything they need on the websites we build.

Be it a startup, enterprise or large-scale organization, our strategy is the same- to understand how users will interact with your product and work on it to maximize user engagement and satisfaction. With over 20 years of experience in development services, we’ve fulfilled multitude of projects spanning multiple industries and business domains including healthcare, education, eCommerce, finance, media, entertainment, travel and automotive and more.

Our team comprises Magento certified developers, skilled professionals in HTML5, CSS3, Joomla, WordPress, PHP, JavaScript, ASP.NET, Drupal. They will be worth your time and dollars.

Technologies we excell in

Performance-driven website development company that delivers value to your precise business needs
An effective range of web app solutions for every business


We are skilled in cutting-edge technologies like HTML5, CSS3, CakePHP 3.X for creative technical execution.


Our professionals are certified in the various technologies they work for, so our customers can get the most out of our service.


Includes project planning, requirement analysis, system design, implementation, testing and deployment.


Maximally leveraging cloud services to accelerate the development process.


We integrate potential tools, innovative technologies and good quality designs.


Quality matters to us the most- each website we develop undergoes extensive bug fixing.


We have a proven track-record of quality working with our agile model.


We are here whenever you need us after your site goes live.


We’re eager to work with you. Please share your project goals and contact information. We respond to 97% of queries within 1-2 business days.

Tell us about you


    • Enterprise Software Solutions
    • Creating a Mobile App
    • Web Development
    • Dedicated Team Service
    • IT Consulting Services
    • Partnership Opportunities
    • Others
    • Immediately
    • Within a Month
    • 1-3 Months
    • 3-6 Months
    • 6+ Months
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    Privacy Policy

    We Value Your Privacy


    PROTECTING PERSONAL INFORMATION IS A RESPONSIBILITY THAT WE TAKE VERY SERIOUSLY And we also expect the same from you. Privet Ventures is committed to transparency and choice regarding protecting the privacy of our client’ s personal information as well as that of all visitors to our website.

    This privacy policy outlines what data Privet Ventures Pvt. Ltd. (herein referred to as "Privet", "We", "Our", or "Us") collects, stores, and process about you. It also explains your rights to your data and how you can contact us if you have any questions. We reserve the right to alter this privacy statement at our discretion and encourage you to check this section from time to time to be aware of any changes.

    To whom this policy applies

    This privacy statement applies to individuals ("users" or "you") who interact with our website, subscribe to any of our products, request information, or use the chat support (herein collectively referred to as "services").

    How we collect data

    Depending on services you use, we collect data from one or more of these three sources:

    1. Data we request:

    When you request any of our services, we may ask, store, and process any/all of these data categories:

    • Your Name
    • Your Country
    • Your Email Id
    • Your Skype Id
    • Your Phone Number
    • Other information that you choose to share

    2. Cookies:

    Cookies are small files placed on your computer when you first visit our website that helps analyze web traffic and tracks you across the web. The collection of this data is based on “implied consent”, i.e we assume you agree to our terms of usage unless you explicitly opt out. You can opt out by changing your browser settings to not accept cookies, browsing in anonymous mode, or by not using our website.

    We also have on our website links to many third-party services and use third-party tools, the privacy policy of which may be different from us and we assume no responsibility for their compliance. The third-party tools we use cookies to collect data are:

    • Google Analytics - It collects data related to the device/browser, IP address and on-site activities to measure and report statistics about your interactions on the web. It is used to enhance user experience and we do not access your personally identifiable information. To understand how Google Analytics handles your data, read their privacy policy.

    • Intercom - We use Intercom to provide customer support on our website. While they don’t have access to private data you share with our representatives, they may collect additional data that is enforced by their privacy policy

    • Lucky Orange - We use Lucky Orange to anonymously track usage of our website including your clicks, cursor hoovers, scroll depth, and more. We may also record some sessions to anonymously to track your behavior across our platform to help improve the user experience. Read Lucky Orange's privacy policy

    3. External tools:

    We also use some tools to collect data about your usage and behavior beyond our website that include:

    • MailChimp - Promotional emails we send are tracked to know much traffic they bring on our website. We may also track if an individual email is opened by any recipient to calculate click rates and improve engagement. We use MailChimp as our email marketing tool and they are governed by their own privacy policy.

    • Social plugins - We have on our website links to many social media platforms for more engagement and visibility. Once you click on any of those links to visit any of those platforms, they collect, use, and share your data as per their own privacy policies, of which we assume no responsibility. We encourage you to check out the privacy policies of the social platform we use: Facebook, Twitter,Google Plus,LinkedIn, YouTube, Behance,Dribble

    Why we collect these data

    The data we collect from these cookies can be personally identifiable or anonymous. We collect this data to:

    • Offer personalized service
    • Create a secure platform
    • Improve performance
    • Statistical analysis
    How we secure your data

    The security of your personal data is of utmost importance to us and we take all appropriate measures to protect it. There are requisite technical, administrative, and physical barriers in place to ensure your data is accessible only to authorized persons or systems. In case we discover a data breach, we immediately (within 72 hours) inform the local authorities and affected users.

    How we use your personal data

    We store and process the data we collect for our legitimate interests and service delivery fully under the ambit of law. We use your data:

    • To provide and maintain our services.
    • To improve our services and website experience.
    • To communicate with you via email, notification, or any other contact information that you have provided.
    • To provide any third-party requisite data that helps enable our services.
    • For internal research and management.
    • For fraud detection.
    • To enforce our terms and conditions.
    When we share your personal data

    We do not share your personal data with any third-party whatsoever except in cases where:

    How do we protect your information?

    We have strict security procedures covering the storage of your information in order to prevent unauthorised access . This means that sometimes we may ask you for proof of identity or for other personal information before we can process your call or enquiry further

    Your explicit consent is obtained.
    Mandated by law.

    Third-party is a collaborator or a part (subsidiary, parent/sister company) of Privet.

    To provide any third-party requisite data that helps enable our services.

    What you can do

    You have full control over what information we store and its subsequent usage. You can choose to:

    • Unsubscribe from the mailing list and notification preferences to stop receiving such communication.
    • You can choose to not share your information by not filling up the form and not using the chat support.
    • You can at anytime change your consent earlier provided for any specific use of your data.
    • If you have any question regarding our privacy policy or data handling practices, we would be glad to hear from you at mail@privetonline.com

    Terms & Conditions


    The following are terms of a legal agreement between you and Privet. Here, we clearly define aspects of our business relationship with you

    General Work Terms and Client Responsibilities & Liabilities
    • All site content (text and multimedia) will be the sole responsibility of the client to provide to Privet. Such should be provided prior to commencing the work.

    • Client is solely responsible to take proper back-up of all content on their site prior to letting Privet undertake the required course of action towards meeting the contract. Any loss or damage to existing data shall not be a responsibility of Privet under any circumstances.

    • The Contract does not hold Privet responsible for any data entry, web hosting or custom artwork/graphics related work/tasks unless otherwise specifically mentioned, paid for and agreed to by both the parties towards such. Any artwork, images, or text supplied and/or designed by Privet on behalf of the client, will remain the property of Privet and/or it's suppliers unless otherwise agreed.

    • While Privet will do its best to achieve all deliveries within the estimated time, there may, at times, be the need to extend or adjust time in cases of any unavoidable and non-forecasted situations like those of deployment issues, dependencies, 3rd-Party support, development bottle-necks, resource unavailability due to emergency, communication delays and the like.

    • Privet will provide the Client an opportunity to review the appearance and content of the Web site during the design and once they are completed. Privet shall wait for a period of 7 days to hear any feedback on such shared work/outputs from the client. In the event of client not replying within this period, such material will deemed to have been automatically accepted and approved by the Client.

    • The Client retains the copyright to data, files and graphic logos provided by the Client and grants Privet the rights to publish and use such material. The Client must obtain permission and rights to use any information or files that are copyrighted by a third party. The Client is further responsible for granting Privet permission and rights for use of the same and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Privet from any and all claims resulting from the Client's negligence or inability to obtain proper copyright permissions. A contract for Web site design and/or placement shall be regarded as a guarantee by the Client to Privet that all such permissions and authorities have been obtained. Evidence of permissions and authorities may be requested.

    • Privet will not accept responsibility for any alterations caused by the Client or a third party occurring to the Client's pages/website once installed/deployed. Such alterations include, but are not limited to additions, modifications or deletions. Privet may require a one-off Web Development charge before resolving any issues that may arise

    • Privet accepts payments by cheque, Cash or Bank Transfers (although we reserve the right to decline payment in any of these forms without notice). Without limitation, Privet reserves the right to withdraw any payment methods at any time and to vary its prices without prior notice.

    • A cancellation fee may be charged if the Customer cancels the Service prior to completion. The fee will be equal to the amount of work completed at the point of cancellation

    • A non-payment of cancellation fee and/or over-due amount will result in legal action upon necessity.

    Support and 3rd-Party
    • As the site launches, we offer free support for the first month. After one month of free service, we charge according to our various price packages best-suited to client's requirement. We also provide attractive discounts if the client chooses a higher price package. The scope of support only includes any bug fixing and email support and excludes any issues related to the site architecture, rule changes and add-ons/enhancements.

    • Any 3rd-Party support, product and/or service being used/ integrated into the site which requires licensing, payment, copyright, etc. shall be the sole responsibility and liability of and be provided by the client or will be procured by Privet on behalf of the client on pre-payment for the cost of such procurement. The fee charged by Privet is exclusive of out-of-pocket expenses and expense claims filed by third party products/services involved.

    • No guarantees or warranties shall be provided by Privet for the accuracy or performance of such 3rd-Party product/service.

    • Any upgrade in the 3rd-Party product/service being used in the project shall not be part of scope at Privet. Such shall be addressed per feasibility and revision of price and time may be called for by Privet.

    Re-work, Enhancements/Add-ons and Billing
    • Any additional features not envisaged in the scope of work would be entertained through a Change Management process and be additional billed. Scope Creeps after wireframe sign off would be billed as additional and time lines and cost for delivery would increase.

    • Most tweaks such as minor changes/re-work are normally just completed, however, if we feel this is being abused, we will build a list of works found being the grounds of abuse and bill such additionally per the total time efforts involved and undertaken to achieve the work/tasks at business rates ranging from US $ 15 to 20 per hour.

    • Whilst we try our best to cover most changes within the budget of the site, some changes are classified as enhancements/add-ons to the system and become chargeable; we will advise you before we start work of any such items.

    • Any re-work, change or tweak request by the client post approval and/or furthering to the subsequent stage of project process shall be treated as add-on work and be additionally billed

    • The client must pay the fee charged by Privet without any deductions, discounts or debt settlement by the agreed due dates.

    Limitations of Liability
    • Privet will use reasonable skill and care in providing the Service. However, we make no representation and exclude any warranty, express or implied, as to the availability, quality, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, performance or fitness of the Service.

    • Privet hereby excludes itself, its Employees and or Agents from: all and any liability for loss or damage caused by any inaccuracy; omission; delay or error, whether the result of negligence or other cause in the production of the website; All and any liability for loss or damage to clients' artwork/photos, data/content supplied for the site. This is whether the loss or damage results from negligence or otherwise.

    • Except in the event of death or personal injury caused by our negligent acts or omissions, we shall not be liable in any way for any damages arising in contract, tort or otherwise in respect of loss or damage arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or operation of the Service. In no event will we be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages in contract or tort, including loss of profit, loss or damage to property or relating to claims made by third parties.

    • Privet cannot make guarantees of service on behalf of third party organizations and will not be held liable for the failure in any service provided by third parties.

    Approvals and Delivery
    • The project will involve various stages and the work for the next stage will only start after receiving the sign off on and relevant payments for the previous stage as agreed.

    • On completion of the Service (Website design and/or website development), the website will be uploaded to the Customer area of Privet server for approval. Upon approval by the Client, the website will be uploaded to the destination server where the site shall stay. Privet reserves the right to delay uploading of the website until full payment has been received.

    • All code and material developed will be transferred post completion of project and after sign offs. The code ownership will reside with the client after final payments.

    • Privet holds the Right to publish and use the completed work and/or even the deployed final produce/website for references to other potential clients. In circumstances such is required to be withheld, client shall notify Privet well in advance and request prior and proper approvals towards the same.

    • Privet will aim to complete all services within the agreed timescale. The timescale will commence on receipt of both the agreed % deposit (ranging from 30% to 50% of the project price as mutually discussed and agreed prior to contract finalization) as acceptance and all website content from the Customer

    • Privet may need to extend any timescales due to circumstances beyond its control.

    • These terms shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Indian Law. The parties irrevocably agree that the courts of India shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which may arise out of, under, or in connection with these Terms and Conditions. The placing of an order will confirm acceptance of these conditions which are attached to the Order.

    • In the event any one or more of the provisions of this Agreement and/or Order shall be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement and/or Order shall be unimpaired and the Agreement and/or Order shall not be void for this reason alone. Such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a mutually acceptable valid, legal and enforceable provision, which comes closest to the intention of the parties underlying the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision.