Paper Debt is a mess and continues to be so. In 2022, teams & enterprises are still dependent on paper documents.
of a professional’s time is still spent searching for information
copies of the same document is stored in the same location
of a professional’s time is still spent searching for information
employees want an automated software to name & index office documents
are wasted by businesses on document issues
dox2U is the answer to make your businesses paperless.
A safe & secure repository for your docs
Share & collabarate with your team
Get a personalized web address for your team
Extract text and tables using Intelligent Character Recognition
Retrieve documents without tags, using content.
No charges for smaller teams. No credit card needed.
By eliminating the burden of hefty
Moving documents to dox2U frees up expensive real estate & prevents loss of valuable information due to damage / loss
dox2U’s Deep Search helps you retrieve information in seconds, improving productivity and efficiency.
dox2U’s OCR converts information locked on paper into digital content, providing you insightful information.